Membership fee

Membership Fee
The season runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. If you wish to cancel your membership, this must be done in writing by June 30th at the latest. If this is not communicated in time, the membership fee for the entire season will be charged. The amount of the membership fee is determined annually during the General Members Meeting of SC Nowruz. The fee can be collected quarterly (4x) or annually (1x). For an annual collection, the fee must be paid by July 31st, for a semi-annual collection by the end of July and the end of January, and for a quarterly collection by the end of July, the end of October, the end of January, and the end of June.

Automatic Collection
If you authorize an automatic collection of the membership fee, this authorization remains valid until the membership of SC Nowruz is canceled. If you prefer not to authorize an automatic collection, you can only pay semi-annually or annually, and the costs will be increased by €10 per season. If the automatic collection fails and a reminder needs to be sent, a fee of €2.50 will be charged.

Futsal men

Futsal women

non-playing member

If you unsubscribe during the ongoing football season, you must pay the full season's membership fee.